Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

FindURoute is one of the world’s leading travel agencies and booking sites. We prioritize our customer’s needs and preferences more than our business profit and well-being. We have a strict and locked privacy policy for our customers and members. Privacy policies are mainly certain rules and treaties the customers agree on for sharing certain personal information for future use or essential need for the app’s functioning. Users must also complete their profile and move on to the vacation search or planning section. You cannot proceed to your next step without agreeing to these guidelines or rules.

Information required

FindURoute values your time and privacy towards your information and documents provided. We like to keep it simple and discreet. Personal information is only asked regarding yourself and specifically focuses on a few identical points to be discreet. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Personal Phone or Mobile number
  • Personal address or contact details
  • Personal Email or other possible ways to contact you
  • Credit or Debit card number for easy transactions.
  • Any self-preferred transport company or shipment company for the delivery or transport services.

Why are they required?

Personal information is not only required to proceed to the next procedure or to start exploring the website after on but to make such amendments and have some trust in the website. They are required for future uses when you can easily delegate your booking to automated bots. They also come in handy when you have lost the original documentation and urgently need any such document. In such cases, you can easily browse your saved documents and information in the app or website and proceed with the booking procedure.

They are also required due to some administrative and business-related tasks, which are as follows:

  • To provide you with all the changes in recent details and other policies regarding your taste in certain topics.
  • Marketing materials for some points of interest for you.
  • Providing the suitable piece of magazine or newspaper to keep you entertained during your flight
  • To maintain the perfect decorum between the host and the guests.
  • It is also used for other advertising purposes to spread good words from our customers to other people.
  • To get the perfect response and comment regarding any mistake or awful service the organization provides.

Security of your personal information

The security and well-being of your deep secret and personal information is completely on the organization. We prefer the unique technology of third-party apps secured by their own security codes and program. We safeguard your precious information with the help of our security program, which can be accessible only by the higher authority.

We provide a 100% guarantee that your information is not left out there unguarded or misused physically and administratively. We have a strict way of suggesting our customers make their passwords in a very unique way. FindURoute, however, doesn’t guarantee any private lock system for the payment details and information because they are often shared with third-party apps used to pay by our customers from various devices. We thus provide a two-factor verification before allowing them to pay the sum before entering their details. We also have them checked twice with our binary system before proceeding to the receipts stage and finally providing the reservation.

Changes to the Privacy policy

The privacy policy doesn’t quite change in normal terms. But once they are broken, or any security patch dispatches the system, the policy gets written down, and a new one occurs. However, any possible change or even a quiet hinge will lead to an emergency notification in the means possible to you. Customers are required to get through the website for any information and further sealing of the security patch. Legal steps can be taken if any third party, individual, or organization breaks the patch of the security program guarding the privacy policy.

On the other hand, we don’t take any responsibility if any changes are made on the customer’s behalf, or any information is removed from our official database. However, contacting customer care might help in times of emergency. We are available 24/7 in any mode.


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